четвъртък, 6 октомври 2011 г.


Публикувано от skylife в 1:00 сл.об.
Здравейте приятели,

ето че 06.10.2011 дойде и започваме отново с предизвикателствата в Digi Doodle Shop Challenges. Новите попълнения в дизайнерския екип са налице и определено смятам, че ще видим доста вдъхновяващи картички от тях :-)

Като първо предизвикателство след почивката, това не е много трудно, а именно - Дистрес... Както всички знаете, дистреса е широко понятие, така че започвайте да състарявате, късате, дистресвате краища и каквото там се сетите още...

Аз не мога да се похваля с особена изобретателност в картичката си, но поне използвах едни хартии, които залежават от около година.

Успех и слънчева седмица :-)
Hello dear friends,

here it comes 06.10.2011 and we are starting again with the challenges at Digi Doodle Shop Challenges. We have some new ladies, joining the DT and I definitely think, we'll see lots of great inspirational cards from them :-)

For a first challenge after the break, it's not that difficult - it's "Distress". As you all know - distressing is a really broad concept, so - start tearing, aging and whatever else comes to your mind...

I can't boast with any inventiveness in my card, but at least I used some papers that I have for over an year.

Good luck and have a great week :-)

18 коментара:

Doreen каза...

Love the shape of this gorgeous card.xxx

lalkygirl каза...

fab card ,fabulous chape and great colours
tracey x

Te4eto каза...

Аз това не го мога, ама пък може да се пробвам - даваш ми повод и сега остава да се заема :)

Star каза...

Absolutely beautiful! Love your distressing, and your bright and happy colors.
xx Star

Judy каза...

Awesome card hun! I just love your idea.


Tammy каза...

Sweet card. Love how you have anchored the image to the card, very clever.

Denise каза...

This is beautiful - love that pretty backing paper and the swirls around the image. Oh and love that butterfly too!
Denise xx

Karen каза...

Soooo pretty Zlatina.

Bettina L. каза...

Love the shape and the colours of this card. The butterflies and swirls is perfect for this. Hugs Bettina

Turtle In The Sand каза...

This shape works so well with the placement of ribbons, swirls and butterflies. Beautiful.

ahlers5 каза...

Very pretty! Love the colors you used.

Green-Eyed Girl каза...

Много симпатична картичка, Злати! Романтична и закачлива!

tellana каза...

I always love tears when it come to distressing. It just makes me think how complete the design is!

dj1952 каза...

Lovely card Zlatina. I love the image and style of card you've used. Love your colors, too. Hugs, dj

WeirdCat каза...

Lovely card, I like the swirls framing the image,
Ruth x

coldwaters2 каза...

This is absolutely beautiful a fabulous shape, super image and colours.
Lorraine x

Анонимен каза...

Beautiful card.Love the papers and your colouring is superb.
Lisa x

Julie каза...

The circle design is just perfect for this card. Love the vibrant colors

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